Terms and Conditions of Use of the website
1. Acceptance
INERIS is the author and owner of the website http://substitution.ineris.fr/en
Any access or connection to the site http://substitution.ineris.fr/en and/or any searches performed on said site, and/or any use of said site and/or any downloading of part of the content of said site by the user shall be taken to constitute acceptance of the terms and conditions of use of the site, as set forth below. The user expressly declares that he/she accepts these terms and conditions unconditionally.
Access to certain parts of the site may be subject to compliance with specific conditions stipulated thereon. Access to these parts of the site shall also be taken to constitute acceptance of the specific conditions applicable.
INERIS reserves the right to sue any person who does not comply with these provisions.
2. Purpose of the site
The primary purpose of the Chemicals Substitution website is a technical and professional one: to provide operational support to businesses affected by chemicals and their replacement by publishing technical information on substitution, illustrated by concrete applications from the industrial world. It aims to promote and accelerate the replacement of chemicals by showcasing particularly innovative solutions. We will therefore endeavour to showcase success stories, while also giving due attention to difficulties encountered. Newsletters and news will all help to make the site more interactive.
3. Intellectual property rights
3-1. The website http://substitution.ineris.fr/en contains data protected by intellectual property rights. Any use of this site must therefore take place in compliance with these rights, including use of downloadable documents and photographs.
3-2. Except for a commercial exploitation, INERIS authorizes the user to use the content of the site for his own needs under the following conditions:
- distribution free of charge;
- respect for the integrity of the documents reproduced (no modification nor alteration);
- clear and readable source citation.
Any commercial use of the information will require prior written permission from INERIS or the author of the document, who will determine the conditions of any possible license on a case-by-case basis.
3-3. Failure to comply with these rules shall constitute an infringement and shall entitle INERIS to take all action available under the French Intellectual Property Code and international treaties concerning copyright protection.
4. Liability
4-1. INERIS shall not be held liable for harm resulting from the use of this site and its content or other sites linked to it, including, but not limited to, financial or commercial harm, and loss of programs or data from the user's information system.
4-2. The online publication of scientific publications whose author is not INERIS or one of its employees shall not be taken to constitute validation by INERIS of the scientific content of said publication.
4-3. It is the user’s responsibility to check, by any means, that the information is suitable for his/her needs and to ensure that it does not cause any harm to people or property.
4-4. Users are responsible for the interpretation and use that they make of the information on the site, in accordance with the regulations in force.
Each user undertakes to ensure that his/her use of the site:
- Does not in any way contravene the laws and regulations in force in France, in his/her country of residence or in the country where the data in question is to be received.
- Does not intentionally introduce any viruses or programs likely to cause harm to people or property.
4-5. It is prohibited for the user to transmit any information that is illegal or contrary to public policy to webmasters of the website http://substitution.ineris.fr/en.
- The transmission of information to webmasters of the site shall be considered equivalent to a transfer to the public domain, unless otherwise stated.
- All information transmitted by the user to webmasters may be freely used by INERIS, unless the user states otherwise.
4-6. Any user who notices the presence of manifestly illicit content on the Chemicals Substitution website shall have an obligation to notify the host mentioned in the legal notices, in accordance with the procedure stipulated in the regulations in force. Users are reminded that any improper notification may give rise to penal sanctions.
4-7. The possibilities with regard to the creation of hyperlinks are defined in the site's legal notices.
5. Obligations of the user and limitations of the guarantees provided by INERIS.
5-1. The content of the site http://substitution.ineris.fr/en is provided "as is", without any express or implicit guarantee, and, in particular, without any guarantee that:
- the content will meet the user's needs.
- the data provided via the network will be accessible.
- viruses will not contaminate the user's information system and cause damage to it.
5-2. The content of the site is intended for professionals concerned by the substitution of chemicals, with the aim of helping them to implement their own replacement solution(s). This support is provided independently of any service entrusted to INERIS.
5-3. The content of the site does not have any legal or regulatory force and the documents published on the site may in no case be considered to constitute standards or administrative circulars. The information contained on the site is not exhaustive and its veracity cannot be guaranteed.
5-4. The user acknowledges that he/she has read the pre-requisites above before beginning to use the site.
5-5. Because of its purpose, the site contains general provisions and can in no event meet the specific needs of each professional.
5-6. The content of the site is not intended to replace the professional's own necessary reflection regarding hisproject for which he or she is responsible.
6. Independence of provisions
Should one of the provisions of these terms and conditions of use be held to be null and void or unenforceable, the nullity or unenforceability of said provision shall not affect the validity of the other provisions.
7. Applicable law
Any difficulty, claim or dispute arising from or connected to these terms and conditions of use shall be resolved according to French law. Failing amicable agreement, the competent Courts of Oise shall have sole jurisdiction.
In the event of a contradiction between the conditions applicable to the site ineris.fr and the conditions set out herein, the latter shall prevail.
8. Language
The terms and conditions of use are in French and in English. In case of divergence of interpretation, only the French version shall prevail.